Case analysis process

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Case analysis process


The case analysis process provides a diagnostic methodology for analyzing business and management issues, and it is widely used to help students acquire important analytical and problem-solving skills. Cases are generally descriptions of real events and are intended to provide a realistic explanation of the conditions and situations surrounding those events.
All groups must produce a comprehensive business report based on a case assigned to your team by the instructor.
1. Teams will be assigned.
2. Your report should be 20-25 typed double-spaced pages (report Body and Executive Summary; not including Cover Letter, ToC, References, and Appendices) using APA format (see the Library and
The names and signatures of all group members should appear on the letter of transmittal.
3. The members of the group should allocate the workload evenly among themselves as you will all receive the same grade, subject to adjustment as noted below.
4. It is expected that all team members will contribute equally and will behave in an empathetic, helpful and collaborative manner.
5. In extreme cases of dysfunctional conflict among group members, you may pursue one of two possible remedies: (a) voluntary separation from the group or (b) removal of non-performing members.
(a) Voluntary Separation
One or more members of a group may choose to leave the group and form a new group. If you choose this option, you will still be required to submit a completed project on the due date specified in our class schedule. No special consideration will be given to group members who decide to separate from their groups (i.e. grades will be allocated based on the quality of the project regardless of the size of the group).
If you intend to separate from your group, you must inform the other group members and the instructor IN WRITING NOT LATER THAN WEEK 8.
(b) Removal of Non-performing Members
After consultation by the instructor with all group members, a non-contributing member may be expelled by a group. To remove a member, the other group members must inform the instructor of performance-related problems on or before WEEK 8. Generally, the non-performing member will be expelled from the group. However, depending on the circumstances and solely at the instructor’s discretion, a non-performing group member may be placed on a performance contract to ensure their participation in the project.
* NOTE: Students who are removed from a group or displaced as a result of a voluntary separation must still submit a paper by the due date if they wish to receive a grade.
The report must be well-organized, well-written following APA writing standard and should include all of the following sections:
1. Cover Letter- assume you are Management Consultants hired to analyze a company. Attach a brief letter to the front of your report thanking your client for giving you the opportunity to be of assistance, and offering your services in the future.
You must use an appropriate business format for the cover letter, Refer to
See sample cover letter below.
2. Title Page – include the name of the project, names of the authors, the instructor’s name & date of submission.
3. Table of Contents – be sure to list page numbers.
4. Executive Summary (WRITE IT LAST) – summarize the key points of your report in 1 page and place it immediately after the Table of Contents. Remember this is your chance to catch the attention of the company executives (i.e. CEO). You want to compel him/her to read on.
5. Main Body – five sections of the main body as described below.
6. References – cite all reference materials used in your report.
The main body should contain the following five sections:
1.0 ldentification of Key Facts
* A brief overview of the company, its objectives (if known), its product or service, key individuals, relevant industry variables, current situation, and any assumptions which help clarify the facts.
2.0 Central Problem(s) and Issue(s)
* In this section you should provide a clear, concise description of the key issues affecting the firm and any related or unrelated secondary problems which must be addressed. Group the issues as appropriate and be careful not to get bogged down in extraneous details.
* Perform an examination of the cause and effect relationships between the issues and problems facing the firm. Use a flowchart framework similar to that shown below:
* Indicate the problem map of events which led to the current situation.See the following example of a problem flowchart:
3.0 Organizational Analysis & Organizational Assessment
* Make reference to the relevant theories and concepts from our course in your analysis of the key underlying problems and issues identified in Section 2.
* Be sure to use relevant Management theories and frameworks in your analysis of problems relating to perception, motivation, reinforcement, leadership, job design, group dynamics, organizational structure, culture, diversity, communication, conflict management, change innovation and stress.
4.0 Alternatives and Evaluation
Describe feasible alternatives which address the issues in Section 2, and
evaluate the Pros and Cons of each alternative using Management
concepts from the course (major marks awarded for this!!!).
Be concise, yet thorough, in your analysis of the potential consequences ofeach alternative.
What are the alternatives or options of what should be done?
Describe feasible alternatives which address the issues and evaluate the Pros and Cons of each alternative.
Be concise, yet thorough, in your analysis of the potential consequences of each alternative.
Address the following:
• What does success look like?
• What are the success criteria (cost, productivity, absenteeism, harmony, revenue)
• What would it take to successfully do each one?
• What would each one take, and cost?
• How risky are the options?
Select the best alternative and discuss the rationale for yourrecommendation. Be sure that your solution addresses the key issues and is logical based on your analysis.
5.0 Recommendation and Implementation
* Select the best alternative and discuss the rationale for your recommendation using Management concepts from the course (major marks awarded for this!!!) and the table above.
Be sure that your solution addresses the key issues in Section 2, and is logical based on your analysis in Sections 3 & 4 and uses Management concepts from the course (major marks awarded for this!!!).
* Discuss the actions and resources (time, expertise/people, money, etc.) required to implement your solution using Management concepts from the course (major marks awarded for this!!!).. A flowchart may enhance your discussion by visually showing the sequence of events required to successfully implement your solution.
Team Case Project Evaluation – marks will be allocated as follows:
Presentation criteria Score/100 Worth/100 Mark/100
Comprehensive case coverage 30
Academic course content 20
Organization, logical flow 10
Style, format, colours, fonts, animation 10
Presenters style, professionalism 20
Class engagement, asking questions 5
Responding to questions 5
Mark / 100 100
Written Report criteria Score/100 Worth/100 Mark/100
– Title page, table of contents 5
1. Identification of key facts 10
2. Central problems and issues, Map 20
3. Text material application 25
4. What to do 15
5. Conclusion 10
6. Format, APA, style guide 5
7. Writing quality 5
8. Citations and References 5
Mark / 100 100
Team XXXX Consulting
[your address here]
[client name here], [client title]
[client address here]
Dear Mr./Ms. [client name]:
Here is our final report on the challenges and opportunities facing your organization. We have thoroughly analyzed the problem and we have identified causes and solutions that we believe will address the issues and will help sustain a healthy and vibrant organization.
I will contact your assistant to arrange a time to meet with you to discuss the report and how our firm can help implement the recommendations and monitor their successful adoption into the cultural and operational aspects of your firm.
Thank you very much for engaging us to help you with this important issue for your organization. If there is anything else we can do to further help you with your organization and business, please let me know.
Yours truly,
[signature of lead consultant]
[name of lead consultant]
cc. [names of other team members]
Presentation Style Guide
? White background with black text or blue background with white (and some yellow) text only – USE THIS ONE or the first slide!
? Heading 48 Arial font
? First level text 28 font
? 24 words per slide, ONLY
? 8 rows with 3 words, or
? 3 rows with 8 words; not like this slide!
? No reading while presenting
? use computer monitor as a teleprompter
? No looking at the projection screen while speaking
Presentation Set Up
? Ppt ready to go
? Team standing off to the side
? Introducer standing in front
? Team sits after they are introduced
? Each speaker comes up in turn
? Avoid repeating speakers
Presentation Rules
? No reading
? Know the material; just talk!
? Eye contact with audience important
? Speak
? Loudly
? Clearly
? Slowly!
? Don’t look at the screen
? Don’t turn back to audience
? Use video and blackboard, if appropriate
? Ask a question at the end – engage audience
? Don’t say “um”
? No hands in pockets
? Move around; don’t just stand in front of the computer
? Use remote mouse clicker
? Use examples
Introduction Script
? Good morning everyone.
? My name is [say name].
? I am here with my colleagues [say name]